Friday, February 4, 2011

Game strategies along with how to play

                                     Me preparing for my first sophomore tennis match.
                                                    Blog #2 persuasive

Before a match you must strategize or plan out your tactics.  During the five to ten minute warm up of the match try to figure out your opponents strengths and weaknesses.  That way if they have a terrible backhand you can use common sense and hit to their backhand more in order to win and throw them off.
            Maria Sharapova, a famous tennis star, prepares for matches by doing a few good luck rituals. (Appositive) Claire Connors says, “Before Maria Sharapova serves, the 6’2” star struts up to the baseline and hits the ball downward with her racket four times.”
            If at all possible stretch before the match and run a few laps so you do not injure yourself while playing and so you can extinguish butterflies quickly. A 1989 Danish study suggested that, “elite male tennis players suffered 2.3 injuries per player per 1,000 playing hours.  Of these, 45% were upper limb injuries, 17% shoulder, 67% the result of overuse, 14% strains, 17% sprains, 2% fractures and 5% blisters.”
Last year I lost constantly because I did not warm up and was nervous throughout most of my matches.  I played in my first tournament last year and was defeated because I did not prepare myself by running or stretching at all and my parents were extremely disappointed in me.
            Never become down on yourself you need confidence in this game.  Let the fans and your parents fade away like a fog in the distance so you can focus. (Simile) This match rides on your shoulders alone.  Tennis, a mental game and a physical game, requires that you clear your mind of everything but the match. 
            Remember that dwelling on mistakes could throw the match and if you make a mistake let the error go.  If you lose take responsibility do not start blaming the wind or your lack of sleep.  Mostly because your parents hate to hear you wine and make excuses.
            Start off strong in order to play well from beginning to end.  Your ready stance and energy will make or break the match.  Staying on your toes for every shot helps you hit with control.  My parents constantly tell me I am not set and enthusiastic while playing.  However I prefer to wear a poker face so that no one can tell whether I am winning or losing, which really frustrates my opponents.
            Do not worry about hard hitting unless you can control yourself.  If your opponent hits hard serves than block them back rather than taking a full swing and blowing the ball out of the court.  You can use their own power against them.
            In order to achieve a victory you really must want the win.  Aggression can make you seem powerful.
            Strive to hit hard serves and avoid double faults.  Also do not step over the base line for you will have foot-faulted.
            Keep the ball deep in the court because hitting the ball short makes it easier for the enemy.  Also keep the ball away from your opponent, so that you can run them back and make them tired.
            As you play anticipate every shot and use creativity.  Try not to hit the same shots over and over because every shot you hit will become predictable.  Change it up and fake them out.
            Play the percentages; if you make fewer mistakes then your rival you will come out on top.  Under pressure avoid hitting a safe shot because you will often choke or miss the ball return and your opponents confidence will boost. 
            Rallies can last hours, so hurry to the net and put the shot away.  Also many people cannot handle lobs, so practice them.  Cover your true playing abilities during warm up and do not show any tricky shots that way you can stun them any time you please.  Do not be afraid to come to the net and end points as quick as possible.  A fast match shows a dominant player able to put shots away and win.

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